A Boy with a Disability. Abused and Failed by Many. And His Mother's Quest for Justice.

"Evan's Voice"  image
Our founder and executive director, Nicole Moehring's second book, Evan's Voice, is available now on Amazon. 

Evan’s Voice is a raw and vulnerable true story. Both of Nicole's children, a daughter and a son, who has Fragile X Syndrome and autism, have been victims of sexual abuse. Evan was sexually abused and exploited, many systems repeatedly failed him, and law enforcement discriminated against him. It's also the story of Evan’s sister, Maci, who is neurotypical and was also sexually assaulted but received justice and was believed and treated well by law enforcement. The story also covers their mother Nicole’s relentless pursuit of justice, equality, and rights for individuals with disabilities in the judicial system when they have been victimized.

As a mother going through an unimaginable ordeal, Nicole witnessed significant disparities in how the justice system treated her daughter and son. It seemed that her son's rights were disregarded because of his disability. He was discriminated against by the very people who were supposed to protect him, and as a result, his voice was never given a chance to be heard. 

Evan's Voice is now available in paperback and ebook format on Amazon. Links to the book and ebook are below. 



This book is truly raw and eye-opening!

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Nicole's Nonprofit Organization, Voices of Change 2018.